In that case, it will often work withStuffit Expander 5.5, available from the same page, running onthe Macintosh II emulation of Mini vMac. Many old archives can be unpacked with Stuffit Expander 4.0.1.However, it is common to encounter a Stuffit file that requiresa more recent version of Stuffit Expander than will run ona Macintosh Plus.

In System 6:‘The file “” could not beopened/printed (the application is busy or missing).’In System 7: ‘The document “” couldnot be opened, because the application program that created it couldnot be found.’ If it is not available, double clicking onthe imported file will result in an error message.
Since ImportFl doesn’t receive Macintosh file typeand creator information from the real computer,it sets the file type of the imported file to“BINA” and the creator type to “SITx”.That creator type belongs to Stuffit Expander,which can deal with most archive types you would want to import.So double clicking on the imported file will launch Stuffit Expander,if it is available. ImportFl is mostly useful for importing archives, since it onlyimports the data fork of a file, not Macintosh specificinformation such as the resource fork, the file type, thefile creator, and comments.(In particular, applications are mostly contained inthe resource fork, and so can not be imported with ImportFl.And aside from OS X, most other modern operating systemsdon't support resource forks, and so can not correctlystore an old Macintosh application, and so there isnothing that ImportFl could import anyway.) Warning: When attempting to use ImportFl, if you see adialog asking if you want to initialize the disk, choose“Eject”, not “Initialize”!This will happen if ImportFl is notactually the active application, in which case the fileyou are attempting to import is treated as a disk image.Choosing “Initialize” will turn it into a valid disk image,destroying parts of the previous content. For example, dragging the icon of the file tobe imported into the Mini vMac window.

When ImportFl is the active application running in the emulated computer,then any of the methods normally used to mount a disk image willinstead import a file. ImportFl is an application to use in Mini vMac (version 3.0.0 or later)to import files into the emulated computerfrom the real computer. Importfl-1.2.2.zip( info)a zipped hfs disk image and checksum file.The disk image can be mounted with Mini vMac.Includes source code.